Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Jack Sack



Ahh….the magic that is the Jack Bag. Some people call it the Jack Sack, that sounds like he’s running around pantless- and I don’t think a lot of people would like to see that. I have a man bag like Jack- but mine’s grey (or gray) with the VNV Nation logo on it and contains some pens and stuff to write with and usually some CD’s if I’m at work. I’d like it to be like Jack’s with spare ammo, several cell-phones, C4, a PDA, a cougar, knives and probably Chloe O’Brian if he could.

Last night’s episode seems like semi-filler stuff…the in-between from one plot point to another. But Audrey is not evil (or is she…you never know with these things), a hyper-paranoid chick just replaced Edgar (who’s now gonna come gunning at me for calling her a chick), Robocop still running around and apparently the ex-principal of Sunnydale high can take out a trained commando, take his weapon and stalked a highly trained Secret Service officer. The magic of this show…so outrageous it’s almost Sci-fi…I do wish that next season is an all out alien invasion. And I love every minute of it. Escapist entertainment at it’s best.

But wait, what about next week? They stopped the show in the middle of an explosion…is Jack alive? Does it even matter? The CTU action runs pretty smoothly without Jack proving if the show is Jackless next season- it’d still be watchable and still be bad ass. Is the FLOTUS’ assistant really in on everything? Another red herring? I think the mastermind of everything is Principal Wood himself…and Robocop and the Russians are just mere pawns.




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