Saturday, November 05, 2005

Racist Bastardidoes...


To all the white hooded folk walking downtown in Austin today I say this:


And I curse you with this: ENLIGHTENMENT
I hope that you all realize just what it is you are all doing, give tons of money to charity, research or whatever and then commit slow, harrowing and painful suicides.

Go enjoy your free speech…

On a related note, kudos to those out there participating in the Anti-KKK Protest…

Now that that’s out of the way, check out this link:

It’s an interview with Greg Rucka abut one of my favourite properties, The Queen and County Novels and comic books. Check them out…they’re kewl….and I love the following quote from Greg: “Yeah, you really can’t be running around shooting at people when you’re pregnant. And it’s hard to be a mom when you’re doing that as well. “

I wonder if that’s a FUCK YOU to Alias…of which I enjoying the 4th season on DVD right now…I couldn’t stand it when it broadcasted earlier this year…

I also like the following from Greg (ironic due to today’s KKK thing): We live in the United States, and we are very, very fortunate. Now matter how down, or frustrated you may be about the state of this country right now; we live in a society that is so far beyond what these people could even imagine. We live in a country where we have freedoms – a lot of these countries in Central Asia, they have no idea. There is so much history, and so much pain, and so much graft, extortion and torture, and it’s just the way things are. It’s the way things were when people’s parents were growing up, and the way things were when their grandparents were growing up, and more than likely, the way things will be when their children are growing up. I mean, the concept of me being able to say, for instance, “I hate George Bush” and not being shot – that’s a fundamental right in this country. I can say that, and I know I’ll wake up tomorrow, and it will be another day, and I’ll go on with my life. There are places in the world where you say the equivalent statement about your rule, and you will be shot, without a doubt, and pretty quickly.

As much as we hate them…we can’t deny them their rights…

Kudos to: Neela Thangada, America's Young Scientist of Year…

Dude, I wish I was as smart as you. Check it out:

The name of her project was: Effects of Various Nutrient Concentrations on the Cloning of the Eye of Solanum Tuberosum at Multiple Stages.

I have no freaking idea what that is…people the future is right there…


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