The One WHere I Find You Guilty

Ahh…the horror that is Vin Diesel with hair. Holly and I got to see his new one “Find Me Guilty (based on a true story)” for free last night. Lemme just tell ya- please no one make anymore Italian Crime flicks until Martin Scor-sez passes away. He did it so perfectly with Goodfellas and Casino that any other movie tackling the subject just screams rip off (same goes for the Sopranos). This movie tries to be different by being mostly set in a courtroom and with most of the courtroom dialogue lifted directly from testimonial transcripts and adding an element of humor. Now the courtroom dialogue was interesting because it’s from the actual transcripts…but when it veers away from the courtroom scenes, there’s nothing original or interesting about the movie. Then there’s the forced sympathy with the criminals. Yeah, they’re lovable Italian stereotypes, but they’re still criminals. But hey- it was in at least interesting to see the dude from Pitch Black in a non-action role- he played a six-grade educated thug who tries to be funny with some success pretty well…
Another thing- many people are talking about the death of movies in theaters especially with high ticket prices and the luxury of just waiting an extra month or two for the movie to hit DVD. Certainly- I’m one of those…although I do love seeing things on the big screen and much more so when they make use of the BIG screen. Totsi- for example, is a small crime drama- but the shots in the movie take advantage of the big screen in showcasing the landscapes that are both sweeping and claustrophobic in the depiction of the shanty towns. Additionally- the composition of shots also exploit the big screen, placing the cast in a manner so that you have to view the whole picture. The final image of the title character with arms outstretched filling the screen and slightly just lingering stays with you after the credits have finished rolling.
Find Me Guilty was filmed as if it were a made for TV movie (in full screen to boot).
2 Stars (rent it if you gotta see it…although I am now slightly interested in learning about the real guy Vin played…but only slightly)
Finally saw the trailer for the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie while waiting in line to get into the movie- albeit without sound. I liked the first one enough…definitely not a brain taxing movie- a so-so plot, overacting but all overshadowed bombastic action and totally awesome visuals. Fun to see in theaters. The sequel looks to up the ante in the fantastic complete with hammerhead shark men (love hammerheads) and HP Lovecraft invoking characters as well as the living skeletons. Plus, the Two Gun God Known Only As Chow Yun Fat has a small role in this and the third one. We shall all bow to him and offer out respects as doves fly by in slo-mo.
Yo Ho.
Cool Stuff re: The Birthday Massacre at . Since I’ve started listening to them I’ve wanted to:
a) watch the Neverending Story (movie and cheesy but cool TV show)
b) watch bad Canadian TV shows or at least shows with Canadian production values- just catch a glimpse of old X-Files episodes
c) watch good Canadian TV shows (La Femme Nikita rules! Except for the first season- that was just disjointed and all over the place…and does anyone know where I can get more episodes of John Woo’s Once A Thief?)
d) visit my sister in Toronto (I have another sister in South Carolina…but who wants to go there?)
e) say ‘eh’ or ‘aboooooooooot’
Fact of the day: VNV NATION KICKS ASS
You know this to be true.
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