One of these days, these boots'll walk all over you...

You’ll never know what joy you’ll find amongst the unwanted…and the abandoned.
Or something like that. A line paraphrased from the movie Kinky Boots which I saw last night. Yes- I watch lots and lots of movies about drag queens…I am from California, we’re all like that. I remember once clubbing with Mel, her friend D-Mode Jen & D-Mode Jen’s boyfriend- Mel would go to some of the queens and just oogle them and wondering how they got to pretty themselves up.
But anyway- the movie was okay…very predictable (complete with that Nancy Sinatra song destroyed by Jessica Simpson but totally awesome covered by KMFDM) and one those movies that looks to be laugh yourself silly but is more dramatic than anything else. Good performance from the guy who was the young Uncle Owen in the Star Wars Prequel and you’ll never watch Serenity the same way again as the bad guy in that film is the one wearing the Kinky Boots. Complete with cheating fiancées and cute-as-a-button girl you know the lead will end up with at the end of the movie. But hey- Nick Frost is in this movie as well! Visions of Ed with his ‘Got Wood’ shirt fighting off zombies and the guy teaching us how to survive falling into a falling lake swirl around your head…but he plays an asshole in this film. Pretty convincingly as well…nice to know he has range and not just the funny sidekick. Now I gotta see Shaun of the Dead again… (side note: looks like Simon Pegg plays the ‘Marshall from Alias’ bit in the new MI:III movie…)
But see one ‘based on a true story’ movie, you’ve seen them all…3 stars for enthusiastic performances but really, nothing else.
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