Thursday, June 15, 2006


Thursday, June 15, 2006

”God, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!”

Paraphrased from Robert E. Howard. Just because.

On to another topic and another quote:

‘You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And, you know what? So was I.'
-The 9th Doctor

Finally finished the first series of the new Doctor Who (which is either the first season or the twenty seventh season depending on how big a geek you are) courtesy of Cindy, a co-worker of Holly. (Happy Birthday by the way)

So, how did I like it? Well, I am a Doctor Who fan now. I was not really before. I have now seen shows of all the Doctors, including the 10th one thanks to The first one is a little out of character compared to the other reincarnations- biddy old man. The second one is insane. The Third one is a foppish James Bond. The fourth one is the image that always comes to mind when you think of the Doctor. The fifth one has celery on his lapel- but personality wise; he is the one closest to the ninth doctor. The Sixth one, well, I have only seen one of his stories and would like to hold judgment until I have seen more (he is usually the most hated one). The seventh doctor is the one I would like to see more of- how the hell did he become Merlin? Plus Ace is my favourite companion so far. The eighth one is the one I remember the least because I saw the movie when it aired years ago and it is not available here yet. But I remember enjoying it, although it probably failed to American audiences because it tried to tie in too much of the mythology of the show too fast to soon. I was confused watching it way back when. I liked the ninth Doctor. He was fun with a tease of sadness because he is the last one of his race and it is his entire fault. But he never gives up and is always looking out for the little guy. Which is why I have come to like Doctor Who. No matter what the odds, always look out for the little, which more often than not turns out to be the human race.

Highlights for the Ninth Doctor’s Season:

“Just once, everybody lives.”
“Did I mention that it travels in time?”
Zombies and Charles Dickens.
Pigs in Space.
The future prime minister.
The Lone Dalek.
The dude from Shaun of the Dead.
The Heart of the Tardis.
Anne Droid to the Daleks: You are the weakest link- goodbye!
Captain Jack- dude, I cannot wait for Torchwood.
The one thing you really want to happen to reality show castaways: DISINTEGRATION
How the Doctor always says FANTASTIC.

Favourite Episodes:
The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances

Bad Things:
Well- Rose in the end does end up like Cordelia from Angel.
The pacing of some episodes is off.
The fact that this show airs in Britannia prior to being shown here hence, I know spoilers prior to watching.
Only 13 episodes a season? And the season set is gonna cost me a hundred bucks!?

Oh, well.



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