Just a bunch of links
August 16, 2006
There is an interview with director Pearry Teo at www.myspace.com/genegeneration where he talks about the movie Gene Generation. I cannot stress how badly I want to see this movie. If not only for the incorporation of the music of Combichrist combined with a score by one of my gods, Ronan Harris of VNV Nation.
Anyway. It was just brought to my attention (at http://comicbookresources.com/columns/?column=10 in an article about comic books that obviously went off tangent) that the whole terrorist plot thing about the no liquids on planes thing? It involved mixing said liquids, so they ask people to dump all their liquids into the same container. Where they can mix. I am surprised that has gone boom yet.
I wonder what happens anyway to all of those liquids. Does airport staff get to take home the free booze, shampoos and what not?
Also, Senator George Allen of Virginia spews a derogatory remark towards an Asian man and says he did not mean it (it is over at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/16/washington/16allen.html ). Yeah, whatever, this from a man obsessed by the Confederate Flag and says ‘Welcome to America’ to anyone who does not look like him. This guy wants to run for President?
Also in Queens, four slanty eyed guys get beat up by a bunch of round eyes (story at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/15/nyregion/15hate.html?_r=1&oref=slogin ). The round eyes are just responding to fear and ignorance. The slanty eyes are moving in and taking up space. You know that club thing you use in you car? Hit them in the leg with it. It is a good thing that the square eyes do not live there, because the slanty and round eyes would just gang up on them.
And over at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4798825.stm is the tale of the aging baby boomers. As they reach retirement age, articles and stories pop up about their achievements. Yes, they are among the first to be anti war, go to space, listen to good music and other things. But they were also the ones who started the planet’s descent into the environmental chaos it is in now, are into selfish consumption and the lovable thing known as excess where bigger and more is better. Next time you see someone born between 1946 and 1964, give thanks to them for the good things and the next one you see, smack them on the back side of their head.
As for the rest of us, we suck as well.
And, I forget the actual link, but I first read about it at http://news.bbc.co.uk/ , the tale of fishermen from who had gotten lost at sea for about nine weeks, living off sea water, sea birds and enjoying the company of each other until a passing boat found them. Serves them right, they were looking for sharks to kill. Because sharks kill lots and lots of people, it has been proven; they saw it in a movie once.
Also over at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4793915.stm , apparently you can kill me by freezing me in a refrigerator (Holly has tried to do this to me before, our fridge was too small and there were too many coconuts in the way), then take out my icy blue corpse fifteen years later, squeeze out my junk and you can still have my horrible, horrible, slanty eyed and misshapen head with three arms spawn (but only if you are pretty and if Holly says it is okay or it is Holy who wants the horrible, horrible, slanty eyed and misshapen head with three arms spawn). Okay, they did it with mice, but anything they do to mice they can do to people, right? The goal of these people is to eventually bring a return to the giant wooly mammoths of old.
That is actually kinda cool.
Oh and over at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonlance:_Dragons_of_Autumn_Twilight_%28movie%29 and at http://www.dragonlance-movie.com/ comes word that they are finally doing a Dragonlance movie for (tentatively slated for release next August). With the guy who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville as my favourite character, Tanis Half Elven, and Jack Bauer himself as Raistlin. And it is going to an animated movie so all the big gigantic scenes of dragons killing everyone will not have to be scaled down because there is not enough money in the special effects budget. So next year we have the TMNT movie, Transformers not to mention the inevitable comic book movies like Spiderman, Ghost Rider and the Fantastic Four. The geeks are now marketable.
And now, one question to all of you Buffy-philes out there (you know who you are): How did the Watchers go from African shamans to stuffy British dudes? And the answer is not magic.
There is an interview with director Pearry Teo at www.myspace.com/genegeneration where he talks about the movie Gene Generation. I cannot stress how badly I want to see this movie. If not only for the incorporation of the music of Combichrist combined with a score by one of my gods, Ronan Harris of VNV Nation.
Anyway. It was just brought to my attention (at http://comicbookresources.com/columns/?column=10 in an article about comic books that obviously went off tangent) that the whole terrorist plot thing about the no liquids on planes thing? It involved mixing said liquids, so they ask people to dump all their liquids into the same container. Where they can mix. I am surprised that has gone boom yet.
I wonder what happens anyway to all of those liquids. Does airport staff get to take home the free booze, shampoos and what not?
Also, Senator George Allen of Virginia spews a derogatory remark towards an Asian man and says he did not mean it (it is over at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/16/washington/16allen.html ). Yeah, whatever, this from a man obsessed by the Confederate Flag and says ‘Welcome to America’ to anyone who does not look like him. This guy wants to run for President?
Also in Queens, four slanty eyed guys get beat up by a bunch of round eyes (story at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/15/nyregion/15hate.html?_r=1&oref=slogin ). The round eyes are just responding to fear and ignorance. The slanty eyes are moving in and taking up space. You know that club thing you use in you car? Hit them in the leg with it. It is a good thing that the square eyes do not live there, because the slanty and round eyes would just gang up on them.
And over at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4798825.stm is the tale of the aging baby boomers. As they reach retirement age, articles and stories pop up about their achievements. Yes, they are among the first to be anti war, go to space, listen to good music and other things. But they were also the ones who started the planet’s descent into the environmental chaos it is in now, are into selfish consumption and the lovable thing known as excess where bigger and more is better. Next time you see someone born between 1946 and 1964, give thanks to them for the good things and the next one you see, smack them on the back side of their head.
As for the rest of us, we suck as well.
And, I forget the actual link, but I first read about it at http://news.bbc.co.uk/ , the tale of fishermen from who had gotten lost at sea for about nine weeks, living off sea water, sea birds and enjoying the company of each other until a passing boat found them. Serves them right, they were looking for sharks to kill. Because sharks kill lots and lots of people, it has been proven; they saw it in a movie once.
Also over at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4793915.stm , apparently you can kill me by freezing me in a refrigerator (Holly has tried to do this to me before, our fridge was too small and there were too many coconuts in the way), then take out my icy blue corpse fifteen years later, squeeze out my junk and you can still have my horrible, horrible, slanty eyed and misshapen head with three arms spawn (but only if you are pretty and if Holly says it is okay or it is Holy who wants the horrible, horrible, slanty eyed and misshapen head with three arms spawn). Okay, they did it with mice, but anything they do to mice they can do to people, right? The goal of these people is to eventually bring a return to the giant wooly mammoths of old.
That is actually kinda cool.
Oh and over at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonlance:_Dragons_of_Autumn_Twilight_%28movie%29 and at http://www.dragonlance-movie.com/ comes word that they are finally doing a Dragonlance movie for (tentatively slated for release next August). With the guy who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville as my favourite character, Tanis Half Elven, and Jack Bauer himself as Raistlin. And it is going to an animated movie so all the big gigantic scenes of dragons killing everyone will not have to be scaled down because there is not enough money in the special effects budget. So next year we have the TMNT movie, Transformers not to mention the inevitable comic book movies like Spiderman, Ghost Rider and the Fantastic Four. The geeks are now marketable.
And now, one question to all of you Buffy-philes out there (you know who you are): How did the Watchers go from African shamans to stuffy British dudes? And the answer is not magic.
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