Tuesday, July 25, 2006

52 and a R.I.P.

July 24, 2006

This is my fifty second week in the State of Texas. This coming Thursday makes it my three hundred and sixty fifth day here. I think the cats miss California as well.


Or Something.

On a different note, the actor Mako passed away this past weekend. I had the opportunity once to shake his hand and get his autograph at a martial arts convention. However, I was too cheap to pay for an autograph so I just admired him from afar (and made jokes about what the hell my grandfather was doing at a martial arts convention). An admirable man who tried to improve the image of Asians and Asian Americans in popular media as well as helping establishing the acclaimed East West Players, this country’s first Asian American Theater Company. He was supposed to voice Splinter in the new TMNT movie, but they will probably give that to George Takei now or something. He was the best thing in the Bulletproof Monk movie and that was a movie that had the two fisted gun god.

Kick ass in heaven, Makoto Iwamatsu.



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