Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Looking up at the sky...

July 05, 2006

So, it is apparently 104 degrees in Sacramento, California (people here are talking loudly about their vacations) and here is it raining and indoors, my fingers are blue. If you do not hear from me again, I have died due to exposure.

Hope you guys had a happy Fourth of July.

I saw Superman Returns. I am, of course, a comic book, sci-fi geek. Probably, the only movie I will see in theatres for the rest of the year although I would not mind seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 2 or the Jet Li movie Fearless. There are plenty of reviews and what seems like dissertations on the movie out there. So you do not need me to hash out a huge, long review of it.

I enjoyed the movie. Hearing the Superman theme blasted out though huge speakers and seeing the Big Blue Boy scout save the world made me misty eyed. I saw John Williams conduct at the Hollywood Bowl the Superman Theme while wearing a shirt with the S shield. It was fun. But The Man of Tomorrow was not saving the world at the same time. The movie is not the typical summer movie crowd pleaser. It is a little more cerebral, a little more emotional and less more big explosions, although there are those as well. The new Superman displays a hidden sadness as he realizes how alone he will have to be in the world that constantly needs his help.

It is not as good as the original Donner film, but a decent follow up. Bring on the sequel? Sure, but give Lex a day off and let us see Braniac or Darkseid. No Doomsday or Batman team ups please. At least not yet.

5 Stars!


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