Monday, August 21, 2006

What the fuck is a Bionicle?

August 21, 2006

New pics of the big giant robots that will be appearing are at my regular blog (link below as usual unless you are there already, the entry was posted twice because they were more meets that ocular thing that I have two of in my head). They have not been taken down at the big fan boy news sites so either they are fake, Michael Bay has ceased to care if they are released or not or Michael Bay has sent out his death squads to everyone who is in possession of these pictures.

They are pretty decent. Looks like they can work (except for the Starscream one- that is just ugly- but it can still pass for a Transformer). They look hopelessly complicated, and if the toys are exactly like them it will take me hours to go from vehicle to robot and back (I own one of the Alternators and it is stuck in robot form because I can never properly return it back into a car). Optimus Prime is Optimus Prime, and I hope that this ‘face mask’ does not come off. It is just not him if it does. It will be like watching a movie with a well know star but there is a huge ugly facial scar that distracts you from their performance. The best looking one is the Decepticon helicopter- he just looks mean as hell.

A lot of fan boys are heavily criticizing the looks, already deeming the movie a failure and calling it Bionicle the Movie. To that I say, “What the fuck is a Bionicle?”

On the veggie front, I am pleased to announce that I am moving forward albeit a little slowly. Over the past couple of weeks or so, averaged out from the seven days in a week, five of those days I have not eaten any meat. While that does not make me a vegetarian by any definition, I have found myself denying meat in favor of veggies and other meat substitutes. The two days in the week that I did eat meat were to rid the fridge of foods with meat and one accident (I was looking for a bag of chips and accidentally bought a bag of pork rinds- look I know I am the stupidest man on Earth, you do not have to remind me).

Just to be clear, I am abstaining from eating meat due to the cruel nature of the meat industry and not for any health purposes. Just as I will not eat any seafood due to the fact that the seas are over fished and we are destroying the oceans in doing so.

Never trust anything over thirty. That now includes the punk movement (and everyone I now know):



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