Thursday, December 21, 2006

Until the end of the world again...

December Something 2006
Since the time since I last posted here: 1) God still hates me2) Rosie O’ Donnell hates me (and apparently Asians everywhere)3) The world’s tallest man saved a dolphin using his god-given superpowers4) The world’s tallest man was unfortunately unable to save the Chinese River Dolphin from extinction, making it the first large mammal to disappear from the face of the earth in a long time. Pretty soon the cockroaches will be all that is left5) The world’s tallest man hates me6) It is found that if you get rid of your “hoodie” and opt for a “German helmet”, you will cut your HIV risk 7) I have found out that in an old MTV interview it is stated by Robert Smith that he does not try and play catch up with the mainstream but does not mind if the mainstream catches up with the Cure.8) In A Big Country Dreams Stay With You9) I found myself alone, alone, alone above a raging sea10) VNV Nation posted the first part of their North American tour and they are playing Coachella and SXSW. I hope on the second part of their North American tour, they actually play some ‘real’ venues in this town. The festivals are great and all, but Coachella is good if you do not mind being crushed in the desert and SXSW, they will probably not hit the stage until 1am and the people with better badges than you have all the good seats anyway. And yes, God still hates me. And more things have happened since, too. But I have been without access to a computer or the news for almost a week. My back hurts, it is too cold, I have no appetite for anything but I want to eat, the commute to and back from work sucks, cat poop smells and all other kinds of things. But I still feel like the luckiest guy in the world and am fighting the fight to make sure I deserve this luck. Holly and I now have a place we can call our own. As soon as things are unpacked and it looks respectable, you are all invited over for a drink. Cheers. Until the end of the world again… PS: The new Transformers teaser is actually cool.


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