Mok! Mok! Mok!

Happy to see this in the theater (almost didn't, waited till 3 weeks after it came out). Love the Deaths, the action, the whole seems-longer-than-two-hours-but-didn't-feel-like-it (feels like an entire season's worth of story). Saw the entire cast and Joss a couple of years ago at a thing. Should have kidnapped them then...
Continuing my re-watch of the 4th season of 24 on DVD and just finished the first 12 episodes. Damn, it’s a good show- and the 11th show has an interesting bit: the first time Jack takes a break and uses the bathroom! Well, at least a break- we don’t really see what room he goes into and he’s in it really quick…also the 11th episode showcases the great acting of Alberta Watson-her great reaction to discovering her recently deceased (and annoying) daughter was very real (to me at least)…I first had reservations when it was announced she was joining the show (I enjoyed her performance on La Femme Nikita) but her 12 episodes on 24 was pretty cool. Hope to see her again in the 5th season (unlikely). And Speaking of LFN- I wonder if they’ll ever bring in Peta Wilson? I wonder if they even can- I’d love to find out that LFN & 24 are in the same universe…heh, heh, be cool if Syd was ‘killed’ in the last episode of Alias and made into an agent of the Section.
In my world, it’s one shared universe yo…and the secret runner/man-in-charge of CTU, APO, the Section and all of these secret spy organizations would be an elder James Bond as portrayed by Sean Connery- how do you like them apples…
Secret Spy Organizations- is that a redundancy?
Seen in the cafeteria on a refrigerator magnet: “Unlike PC’s, women can reject a 3 inch floppy.”
Which explains my life…
They’re playing the extended remix of When in Rome’s Promise song on the flashback thingy- I love this song…especially the remix
New HK film about Journey to the West entitled A Chinese Tall Story. I wanna see this film: . Check out the Chinese Oddesey movies with Stephan Chow or the American Lost Empire for similar treats as well as the anime Saiyuki. I, myself am the reincarnated Monkey King.
Well, I can't be too political- you've got that covered yo...
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