Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Autumn Kind of Mood

August 29, 2006

Bippity, Boppity.


Or something like that.

The last days of summer are here but some reason, I have already been getting into an autumn kind of mood. Maybe it is because of the slight chill I get at working, that slight chill you get when the days are still warm but the breeze has that northerly feel to it that tells your bones that it will not be so warm for much longer. Maybe it is the sight of all the kids going back to school. I wish I could say it is all the leaves I see on the ground but they are still green and still on the trees. Besides, I do not think we get much deciduous trees this part of the country (although, apparently the Sasquach has been seen not too far north from here- who knew he was a snow bird?). Maybe it is all the Cure tunes I have been listening to lately (I will always associate the Cure with autumn as that was the season I started to listen to them over and over again at least fourteen years ago now). Who knows, but I am in an autumn kind of mood right now.

Congratulations to Nury Vitacci for getting a book deal in the UK. Apparently, the United Kingdom is the hardest place for a writer to break through. He seemed to like my comment that: “Maybe one day one of your books will turn into a weird French film that in no way resembles the story it was based on but still makes a lot of money around the world, you will secretly kinda like it while denouncing it to the world because it does not resemble your work, will remain unreleased in the US because 'they don't get it' but will nonetheless have a cult audience.”

The cult kind of audience is the best kind. I mean. I like the main stream stuff too, but remember back in the days when you discovered a band before KROQ or whatever radio station started playing them and you used to see them in tiny clubs play and you have all their non-major label record stuff? Or like how it was cool to like Star Wars in the late nineties prior to the Prequels being released? Now, it is apparently cool to hate Star Wars, but that is another story for another day.

The loss of the cult kind of audience is (in my honest opinion) why the Nirvana dude shot himself so many years ago now. Which in an off beat kind of way why I respect him. I could care less for the music (as Kurt himself puts it, he was ripping off the Pixies anyway and I have to agree with him) but the loss of something meaningful to write about and just having to do it to make the masses happy (and maybe make a buck) is just pointless. He was only being true to himself and in the end, sometimes that is the only thing worth going for.

And now I have a nephew named Kurt. Who I have only met once. And the spawn of Cobain is looking more and more like him everyday. It is kinda scary actually.

To Do of the Day: It is the perfect day to be dancing like you cannot hear the beat and not giving a fffurther thought to things like me…it is the perfect day to toss back your head and kiss it all goodbye.


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