Monday, January 08, 2007

First Post of the year

January something, 2007

The Birthday Massacre’s new song Kill The Lights is on their MySpace page and it is as good as when I first heard it live almost a year ago.

Perfect way to start off the New Year.

Not a good way to start off the year? Pondering the price of comics. There is an editorial on about how the guy stopped his weekly habit of buying the individual issues of comics and just buying the trades. Now, my preferred way of reading a storyline in comics is the classic way of issue by issue- even if it is buying the whole storyline and waiting till the storyline has concluded prior to even to start reading the story. But the minimum price nowadays for at least 22 pages of story is $2.99. That is a gallon of gas nowadays (give or take about fifty cents). Plenty of comics with the same page count retail of $3.99 and up. Pretty soon, I believe even I would go the trade route…

Comics are as good as they ever been but they are pricing themselves out of my reach.

Pasadena Rose Parade? I have never been despite living not about thirty miles from where it happens for about seven years. I love Pasadena; it is my number two place of where I would live if I could live anywhere (number one is Santa Barbara). I tried going to see the floats once or twice but usually by the time I have time to go see them the floats are gone. Watching it on TV is incredibly boring. But I tell ya, seeing the 501st Legion and all the Star Wars related costumes was a blast and was the only time I would have considered braving the chilly temperatures to get a spot along the route (and believe me, Southern California in the winter time can still be pretty cold no matter who you talk to).

PS: Star Wars and I are thirty this year.

PPS: God still hates me.



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