Once upon a time in the not-too-distant future (in distant days longing to sense it all so clear):
Really, really, really enjoying the new Birthday Massacre CD. I like at least much as I liked VNV Nation’s new album from earlier this year. Beautiful and haunting, it reminds me of the days gone past when I was inspired to write tons and tons of bad poetry and maybe a decent short story or two from listening to all the Cure albums up to Wish, watching Chasing Amy, discovering the works of Neil Gaiman (especially the Dust Covers compilation), hanging out at Salzers talking to that one girl who would always recommend great new tunes (introducing me to the wider world of Goth/Industrial) and hanging out on Silver Strand just standing on the beach, staring at the sea.
Creative impulses are stirring, I want to draw, sketch, write and just create new universes.
[But, Dammit- why does work have to zap all of my energy?! That is a stoopid excuse, though (smacks forehead with palm of the hand, returns to universe building, now just got to put stuff to paper…)]
On to other stuff, Fat Bob has finally relented and The Cure will finally play Austin! But before they do, the days will grow shorter, the leaves will fall, the animals head south or hibernate, the grounds will freeze, then the animals return and the frost goes away as the days get longer again and they finally play the Austin Music Hall on June 08, 2008.
Yes- not until June of 2008.
Hopefully there will be tickets left when I remember six months from now that they will be in town.
(This as I found out that a guy I work with once opened up for the band)
That said, I hope the new album is decent. I detest the fact that they dumped their keyboards and are opting for an all guitar sound. They sound alright, based on that DVD of performances with the new line up, but there is just something missing.
By the way, how much do you want to bet that the same that they will be playing Austin, it will be the same day that the Birthday Massacre or VNV Nation or Apoptygma Berzerk, will be playing here? That is the kind of luck I have by the way.
“Hey, Buddha/Allah/Gawd/Vishnu here- why don’t you have something nice; don’t mind the tons of crap that obligatorily comes with every single nice thing you will ever get…”
Self pitying rant over, moving right along.
Well, maybe one more- Why are all the cool Fantastic Fest films all on work nights?
Alright, okay and another one: They get a free ride to college, so who do the jocks at UT use their free pass to get STOOPIDER at college?
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