The holidays SUCK!

And still no new tale to tell.Halloween and the Day of the Dead have come and gone and now comes the times that try your wallets.
I just want to go all Charlie Brown on the world as I am barraged from all sides by sales that tempt the hell out of me. There are coupons from Borders where I can get some decent books and British TV that have been on my wish list for a while. There is a $350.00 laptop from Wal-Mart (I so need a laptop). The home needs furniture. I need Absolute Sandman Volume 2. And that new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book. And a whole lot of other comics that I am behind on. Some great DVD’s are coming out in the next few months (Doctor Who, Ratatouille, 24 Season 6, Young Indiana Jones, Torchwood- the list goes on and on).Plus tons upon tons of bills are set for renewal in the next few weeks. Siddhartha got it right when he said desire was at the root of all suffering.
I just want to shut myself out of all advertising for the next three months or so and maybe then I will not be tempted to max out all my credit cards and open some new ones to buy all the inconsequential things that I want.
Halloween and the Day of the Dead are the best holidays of the year. What comes after next just sucks as goodwill towards one another and want of world peace is replaced for things made out of plastic and metal. Maybe Buy Nothing Day shall be observed by me for once. More info about that at
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