Vision Thingies

Sisters Of Mercy Review
Well, finally saw the Sisters of Mercy last night- while not the best show I’ve ever been to, it was still a good time. First the opening band, the Warlocks- they’re one of those bands that are good if only the singer would shut up. They had a slight rockabilly touch to them and they aped pretty well early Cure era guitars. Decent but like I said- if only the singer just kept his mouth shut.
The Sisters came on the stage on time- actually they were a couple of minutes early- something that Holly was astonished over. If this were Hollywood, they’d be on at least an hour later…anyway, I was never a huge Sisters fan (I only have one of their albums) but Andrew Eldridge’s visage is imitated all over Tim Bradstreet’s early vampire art, he’s got that quintessential Goth voice and the songs that I do know, I like.
They started the set with ‘First, Last and Always’ which I only knew because the crowd would shout it out. Then came a bunch of songs I didn’t know. And came the moshers. They weren’t really bad- mostly funny especially since one of them was a Freddie Mercury look-alike in a rainbow t-shirt. At one point however, they threatened to beat up a girl and I was part of a bunch of people who tried to break up a fight.
At this point- it seemed that a couple of bouncers came up and just stood watch…kinda funny, back home security would just come by and kick them out.
Highlights: Dominion and Lucretia (two of my fave songs from them) and an instrumental bit by the guitarists that sounded more like the Jesus & Mary Chain. The crowd (I love to people watch in venues and events like this).
Lowlights: No live synths and no live drums making the show sound pre-recorded. Too much smoke (both fake and real). And worst of all- they screwed up the sound so the vocals all sounded mashed up.
The show ended early and lasted all of 90 minutes. Decent show, but could have been better.
Three Stars!
Dude, you DO realize they've NEVER* had live drums, right?
*Except for the very first single on which Eldritch played them very badly.
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