Friday, April 28, 2006

My Kind of Jeopardy


I love the game show Jeopardy…it’s the only game show I’d watch. I like to see if I can guess the answers faster than the contestants can…usually I find I’m too dumb for the show, unless celebrities are on II used to love it when SNL would mock the show, I learned how to impersonate Sean Connery by watching that. Pure comedy.

I’d love to see a vulgar Jeopardy. Not vulgar as in gross questions or NC-17 rated contestants, I mean I think we’d all throw up if we saw Alex Trebek in leather. I mean like:

Contestant: I’d take physics for $200, please

Alex: An apple landed on this fucker

Contestant: Who was…Oppenheimer?

Alex: Wrong Dumbass! Anyone else?

Constestant # 2: Who was…KMFDM?

ALEX: Wrong Beeyotch! What the hell are you smoking!? Contestant #3?

Contestant #3: Who was Newton, fuckers!

Alex: Yes…that is it for $200. By the way, only I can use the word fucker…fucker.

If I was ever on the show, I’d get kicked out after thirty seconds for all that vulgarity.


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