Thursday, March 29, 2007

Music and Comics

...And A hot Chick...

Once upon a time around March 2007 (with April creeping, creeping up, it’s probably here- staring at me)

A rant: I am sick of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Beastie Boys. Or rather, I hate that the radio station I listen to at work do nothing but play their songs non-stop, at least once every half hour. People in Austin seriously cannot be calling in and requesting their tunes all the time, can they?

About ten years ago, on KROQ, the same thing happened with Jane Says- you would hear the song every ten minutes or so, which I can stand because I actually liked that song. And it kept on going until someone wrote an article I the LA Times about how it was the most played song on ‘alternative’ radio stations in the country and even interviewed the Jane that the song was named after.

Since then I have hardly heard that song on the radio.

Can the person that wrote that article do the same with the Peppers and the Beasties?

Pretty please?

And on a music related note- the Cure are finally over (or at the very least, is now very mainstream and thus losing the respect of skinny Goth freaks like me everywhere): apparently Lovesong was sung by one of the American Idol contestants.

Now shut up while I listen to Disintegration, Faith, Seventeen Seconds, Wish and/or The Head on the Door for the 100,000,000,000,000th time (the other albums I have only listened to 99,999,999,999,999 times).

An interesting thing to behold or at least ponder about: With all of the hubbub about illegal downloading of music and movies, did you know you could also illegally download comic books via bit-torrent and other file sharing thingamajigs?

So, every Wednesday, some schmuck buys a comic book, scans all of the pages in and then makes it available to everyone with a fast connection speed and/or is too cheap to buy that book? This is just ridiculous.

Bootlegged comics- the next thing you know unoriginal people are going to cut and paste other people’s blogs unto their own and then suing the original writer for plagiarism.



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