Thursday, March 15, 2007


Once upon a time around March 2007

So what counts for indie rock nowadays anyway? This I ask since I live in the indie rock capitol of the world? Do I have to be like the obnoxious characters from High Fidelity to enjoy it (the movie, not the book which is on my to-read list)? I am currently listening to the first Interpol CD which was released on the Matador label and enjoying them. Does that mean I like indie rock? Or since they have been played on the radio, does that take away their indie cred? (Strange observation: much has been written about Interpol being heirs apparent to Joy Division, but something must be said of their Pixies influenced Joey Santiago California surf guitars- apparent on songs like Stella was a Driver) All this and more as I have just realized that I am no longer part of the contemporary collective consciousness when it comes to music- be it popular, mainstream, indie or that hated word- alternative.

But then again, neither are you. The playlist of the local wannabe KROQ is 60% songs from the 1990-2005, 25% from 1980-1990 and the remaining 15% from the past two years or so (of which are songs that are repeated at least once every 90 minutes). Of all those, you hear songs from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Beastie Boys at least once an hour. And roughly once every two hours or so, I will hear a song that I like, granted that they did not play it earlier that day or I did not hear it from one of the CD’s I brought with me.

Long story short: Your taste in music sucks.

The good thing about it: Since your taste in music sucks, I am forced to go out and find better music than what you request to put on the radio. 75% of what I find is crap as they want to sound like what you hear on the local radio, 24% are one hit wonders and the remaining 1% are genius. But music lovers all live for that 1%.

Something to be happy about: There is no current version of Hootie and the Blowfish out there (that I know of, if there are, I am happy being ignorant of them). The last thing the world needs now is that kind of yuppie-frat-boy-adult-contemporary rock. They had music videos about golf, for crying out loud.

Something to be sad about: The American Idol phenomenon. This is very much a sign of the apocalypse. Beware if they ever add a fourth commentator to the proceedings. But then again, the way Seacrest looks famished might prove that he is the fourth horseman just waiting for his official invite to join the other three.

To wit:

Randy: War
Paula: Pestilence
Simon: Death
Seacrest: Famine

They are just biding their time I tell you. But first they have to dumb down the general populace so we do not know it is happening unless it is too late.



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