Enough of this crap already...

February Something, 2007
Seen this weekend: Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo
It is an okay flick. I love the show for its lightheartedness and sense of fun missing from so many shows, animated or not. This direct to DVD movie started off strong then just loses its energy. Still beautifully animated though.
Also seen? The Amazing Screw-On Head. Totally awesome, funny (although a bit forced) and just beautiful to look at. Mike Mignola is a genius.
Oh, it is Valentine’s Day sometime this week. Or break-your-heart-and/or-wallet day as I like to call it. Hope you guys “get some” on this day.
Average rents for apartments in Ventura County are $1,485. Dude, that is a lot of money to be spending a month for an apartment.
And hey, Johnny Rotten stating that Greenday is not a punk band? Old news, I have been saying that for years.
And I am so sick of the Police now I wish they would break up again.
By the way, saw an ad for www.fightglobalwarming.com the other night and am pleased that they are trying to get the word out that our actions are endangering this planet. Of course, there are still those out there who are unconvinced or just plain apathetic. It reminds me of Superman’s origin story, of how Jor-El tries to convince the powers that be that environmental disasters will spell doom for the planet Krypton. Of course they did not believe him. So in a hundred years or so, as we tumble into the abyss, the great-grandchild of Al Gore will be propelled into space to search for a habitable planet where he (or she) will develop super powers.
Come, Descendant of L-Gor, kneel before ZOD!
Tickieboo or whatever it was that Morris said.
Two hours of the Bauer Power Hour and it is interesting that each episode were completely different, showing the range the show can go. From the almost no-stop balls-to-the-wall action of the first hour complete with twists, gun-fu fights, cool helicopter-car chase, power drill to your shoulder blades, head shots, betrayals to the slow, tense filled build up of the second episode. The two episodes are so far my favourites of the season aside from the opening four parter.
So, Farmer-Tower-Giant-Grandpa Bauer finally shows his evil side to everyone (well, to Rena Sofer) and takes Male-Kim hostage. That motherfucker is cold- he killed his son and now has no qualms about killing his own grandson. Just so he can cover his own ass.
And the Russians are the secret bad guys of the season?
And are they trying to assassinate the Principal of Sunnydale High School? Nah, too easy, something else is afoot. Say it together now- the VP is evil. Let us just hope this does not involve his sister and WAAAAAALIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
And Fayed has the escape prowess of the dude in Season 4 who was the Mummy (MARWAN!). Poof! His men are dead, the building is surrounded and yet he gets away in a helicopter!
And Milo gets some field work! Being middle management means knowing to pull the pin off a grenade and tossing it into a crate of other grenades so you can cover your escape.
Plus I love this comment from the AICN talkbacks:
The computer geek turned mid-level manager did more than 90% of the trained field agents ever manage. I think it proves my theory that the only thing the field agents are trained to do is make a perimeter and stay out of sight. Government cut backs meant they couldn't afford the next two training sessions. "How to stop the main bad guy escaping" and "How not to die yourself".
Ten Stars! (Five per episode)
Seen this weekend: Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo
It is an okay flick. I love the show for its lightheartedness and sense of fun missing from so many shows, animated or not. This direct to DVD movie started off strong then just loses its energy. Still beautifully animated though.
Also seen? The Amazing Screw-On Head. Totally awesome, funny (although a bit forced) and just beautiful to look at. Mike Mignola is a genius.
Oh, it is Valentine’s Day sometime this week. Or break-your-heart-and/or-wallet day as I like to call it. Hope you guys “get some” on this day.
Average rents for apartments in Ventura County are $1,485. Dude, that is a lot of money to be spending a month for an apartment.
And hey, Johnny Rotten stating that Greenday is not a punk band? Old news, I have been saying that for years.
And I am so sick of the Police now I wish they would break up again.
By the way, saw an ad for www.fightglobalwarming.com the other night and am pleased that they are trying to get the word out that our actions are endangering this planet. Of course, there are still those out there who are unconvinced or just plain apathetic. It reminds me of Superman’s origin story, of how Jor-El tries to convince the powers that be that environmental disasters will spell doom for the planet Krypton. Of course they did not believe him. So in a hundred years or so, as we tumble into the abyss, the great-grandchild of Al Gore will be propelled into space to search for a habitable planet where he (or she) will develop super powers.
Come, Descendant of L-Gor, kneel before ZOD!
Tickieboo or whatever it was that Morris said.
Two hours of the Bauer Power Hour and it is interesting that each episode were completely different, showing the range the show can go. From the almost no-stop balls-to-the-wall action of the first hour complete with twists, gun-fu fights, cool helicopter-car chase, power drill to your shoulder blades, head shots, betrayals to the slow, tense filled build up of the second episode. The two episodes are so far my favourites of the season aside from the opening four parter.
So, Farmer-Tower-Giant-Grandpa Bauer finally shows his evil side to everyone (well, to Rena Sofer) and takes Male-Kim hostage. That motherfucker is cold- he killed his son and now has no qualms about killing his own grandson. Just so he can cover his own ass.
And the Russians are the secret bad guys of the season?
And are they trying to assassinate the Principal of Sunnydale High School? Nah, too easy, something else is afoot. Say it together now- the VP is evil. Let us just hope this does not involve his sister and WAAAAAALIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
And Fayed has the escape prowess of the dude in Season 4 who was the Mummy (MARWAN!). Poof! His men are dead, the building is surrounded and yet he gets away in a helicopter!
And Milo gets some field work! Being middle management means knowing to pull the pin off a grenade and tossing it into a crate of other grenades so you can cover your escape.
Plus I love this comment from the AICN talkbacks:
The computer geek turned mid-level manager did more than 90% of the trained field agents ever manage. I think it proves my theory that the only thing the field agents are trained to do is make a perimeter and stay out of sight. Government cut backs meant they couldn't afford the next two training sessions. "How to stop the main bad guy escaping" and "How not to die yourself".
Ten Stars! (Five per episode)
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