More Crap that I wrote

February Something, 2007
So Grandpa Bauer is the truly evil one and Blue Tooth Bauer is just someone tired of living in his brother’s shadow? I guess so. Totally awesome how Grandpa Bauer sweetly kisses his son on the forehead after he gives him an agonizing death. Too bad it smells like jumping the shark by making Jack’s relatives evil, but hey- I am willing to stick it out to see what happens. I just hope that Rena Sofer and Jack do not get together now that the brother is hanging out with David, Michelle and Nina Myers. Soul Patch is not dead- Zombie Almeida is just waiting for the right time to rrrrrrrrrrrrise…..
Funny to see Jack be both good cop (just tell, don’t make me do this, just breathe) and bad cop (TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!) while interrogating his brother though.
By the way, is the Vice President evil again? (No, but he is actually Lord Vigo)
Morris is the one computer engineer that they want? A little too convenient right there, buddy.
And by the way, if Grandpa Bauer is evil, why did he kill his own men?
Something is fishy here.
But next week is a two hour show and it looks like Jack finally goes all John Woo again. This is always a good thing.
And he says the immortal line, “WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!”
I am so there.
Some things fell into the plot too easily, but always forgiven by the time the cliffhanger rolls around.
And speaking of falling into the plot too easily I also caught some Heroes during the commercial breaks and Nathan Petrelli being the cheerleader’s father? Watch out for the shark! Too obvious there, buddy.
By the way, did you know that at the outbreak of WWII, Filipinos living in the United States were barred from acquiring US citizenship, buying property and serving in the military by the 1934 Tydings-McDuffie act? We were also barred from marrying anyone outside of our race.
Oh and to the people who have kids now and are still living on the West Coast or if you wanna fly your kids there:
*************************OPEN CASTING CALL**************************
Saturday, Feb 10 1-4 PM
10538 Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91601
Looking for ENTHUSIASTIC KIDS for an independent feature family comedy
(1) young Asian boy 8-13 (preferably Chinese)(2) young overweight Asian boy 8-13 (preferably Chinese)(3) young Indian/Pakistani boy 8-14
From the producers of "Quinceanera" and "Better Luck Tomorrow"
So Grandpa Bauer is the truly evil one and Blue Tooth Bauer is just someone tired of living in his brother’s shadow? I guess so. Totally awesome how Grandpa Bauer sweetly kisses his son on the forehead after he gives him an agonizing death. Too bad it smells like jumping the shark by making Jack’s relatives evil, but hey- I am willing to stick it out to see what happens. I just hope that Rena Sofer and Jack do not get together now that the brother is hanging out with David, Michelle and Nina Myers. Soul Patch is not dead- Zombie Almeida is just waiting for the right time to rrrrrrrrrrrrise…..
Funny to see Jack be both good cop (just tell, don’t make me do this, just breathe) and bad cop (TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!) while interrogating his brother though.
By the way, is the Vice President evil again? (No, but he is actually Lord Vigo)
Morris is the one computer engineer that they want? A little too convenient right there, buddy.
And by the way, if Grandpa Bauer is evil, why did he kill his own men?
Something is fishy here.
But next week is a two hour show and it looks like Jack finally goes all John Woo again. This is always a good thing.
And he says the immortal line, “WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!”
I am so there.
Some things fell into the plot too easily, but always forgiven by the time the cliffhanger rolls around.
And speaking of falling into the plot too easily I also caught some Heroes during the commercial breaks and Nathan Petrelli being the cheerleader’s father? Watch out for the shark! Too obvious there, buddy.
By the way, did you know that at the outbreak of WWII, Filipinos living in the United States were barred from acquiring US citizenship, buying property and serving in the military by the 1934 Tydings-McDuffie act? We were also barred from marrying anyone outside of our race.
Oh and to the people who have kids now and are still living on the West Coast or if you wanna fly your kids there:
*************************OPEN CASTING CALL**************************
Saturday, Feb 10 1-4 PM
10538 Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91601
Looking for ENTHUSIASTIC KIDS for an independent feature family comedy
(1) young Asian boy 8-13 (preferably Chinese)(2) young overweight Asian boy 8-13 (preferably Chinese)(3) young Indian/Pakistani boy 8-14
From the producers of "Quinceanera" and "Better Luck Tomorrow"
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