Small Stuff

This one goes out to all the folks at Casa Pacifica: Hey, doesn’t Steve Carrell’s character on the Office remind you guys of Sloyan? They look alike, talk alike, have very similar personalities, and have the same initials and even the same first name. I know the character is based on David Brent from the British Office, but maybe Sloyan knew Greg Daniels back in the day? Of course, Sloyan is more of a professional than the guy on the Office, but if you ever listen to the jokes that Mike makes or laughs at, you would think that the next staff party would be at Chili’s.
One thing I like about weekends is that I do not have to hear that Fall Out Boy song (Arms Dealer or something) that is all over the radio every five minutes or so (which is on pretty constantly at work unless I am listening to a CD or something). I did not like the song the first time I heard it and I do not like it now, it sounds for all the world like a Ricky Martin tune- which is another level of hell altogether. That song is now on my list of the most hated and irritating songs ever. And Fall Out Boy is on my sniper list. The makers of the cell phone commercial that features that song is also deserving of a horrible, horrible fate.
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