Thursday, December 22, 2005

Big Louie's Secret

Recently taken picture of Big Louie reveals him for who he really is (take close attention to the eyes) - a grim herald and agent of DEATH! This picture was the last taken by a group of anthropology/Chicano Studies students on December 26th 2004 as they were vacationing/excavating a site in Thailand moments prior to the tsunami (what were they excavating? Well, recent studies point to a lost Mayan civilization in Thailand- some postulate the original Mayan Empire is actually located here hence making all Latin Americans an off shoot of Indo-Chinese cultures…apparently DEATH didn’t want this found out and sent her grim agent to destroy all evidence. It’s one big conspiracy/cover up- the tsunami…). This picture was proof emailed by a friend prior to getting squished and the reason I left So Cal was because DEATH found out and is now sending her agent to Austin in February to finish to job…

But that’s two months away, so I have time…

This Panel From Tom Tomorrow sums it all up...just like the bumper sticker said, when Clinton Lied, nobody died...

Listening to Danny Elfman’s score to Tim Burton’s first Batman movie. The music stands the test of time and I can listen to it over and over again- Danny Elfman at his most Wagnerian. Can’t say the same for the movie though- it feels very dated, but there are some images that I have fond memories of- when the Batmobile’s wheels stops spinning and the Bat Logo is there perfectly and when the Batwing flies up against the moon- all very iconic. The second Batman movie is better but I don’t consider it a comic book movie, I consider it a Tim Burton Movie…I don’t really care for those Batman movies anyway…The new Batman movie is much better although they’ll never get the suit right…although elongate the ears and maybe find a way to make the eyes completely white and they’ll be there.

Best Batman ever though (including books, movies and television): the portrayal in the Batman: The Animated Series by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. Those are classic and is Batman whenever I think of Batman…plus I have a fond spot for Harley Quinn. Batman Beyond is a close second- the old Bruce Wayne is still the real deal and Terry is just his puppet.

I don’t like Batman in the current comics though- too much of an ass and they made him too invincible/invulnerable. I’d like to see him taken down a notch or two…

24 Spoilers at . DAMMIT! I’m gonna miss the opening night, but for a good reason. Holly and I are going to be at a function with the cast of Veronica Mars…we, got a personal invitation from Kristen Bell. BUT DAMMIT-WHO DIES? WHO DIES?! Stupid Spoilers just make me want to watch it even more…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually yelling Motherfucker to everyone describes EVERYONE in the 'Nard...


12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck yeah!

5:30 AM  

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