Missing So Cal, except for the puppy smugglers...

Just found out that one of the attorneys here went to Pepperdine and still has contacts with the promised land of Northridge. And today at work has dealings with Thousand Oaks and Woodland Hills. Why does home continually haunt me?
Eh, puppy smugglers in California: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-puppy21dec21,0,3289445.story?coll=la-home-headlines . People pay $300-$2000 for these dogs when there are ones dying in shelters…plus the horrible conditions they get brought in…AI YAH…but then again, who goes to swap meets to buy a dog? That’s asking for trouble right there buddy…
Just found out that composer Yoko Kanno is also the singer Gabriela Robin…weird- no wonder I never saw them together in the same place…
Currently listening to a Cure tribute album- from the liner notes: “No one wants to be eaten alive by spiders, but (the song) Lullaby not only puts that horror into words, it let you dance to it as well…”
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