What Up Yo?
My Lil Gray Cat says hi...but don't stare at her eyes for too long...she can gaze straight into your soul and find out how much of a bastard you are...she says I'm a big one...
Also- Chuck Guy (aka the only one who can save us from the Horsemen of the apocalypse seen in China...apparently he was made there and was visiting family)
PS: if you noticed on the last post I left one person out of the line up...yes, the guy who looks like a surfer is not a Horseman of the Apocalypse. He's just another surfer guy. Death just happens to play bass in his band...
Twenty days into the new year…how about that?
Finally received Sha Po Lang in the mail yesterday. In So Cal, when ordering from YesAsia.com, it would take three to four days to receive the order- here it takes longer than a week sometimes. Minor inconvenience I guess when it’s the only place I can get my HK fix. There is a place here that sells HK stuff but 99% of their stuff is bootlegged and much more expensive that the real deal at YesAsia.com. Anyway- expect a review of SPL soon- saw the trailer last night and dude, it looks like an ass kicker.
Took the lil’ gray cat to the vet yesterday for her ear problem…happy that a vet that operates out of a sleazy strip mall is actually cleaner and more professional that the one we used to go to in Northridge. Holly is happy that the vet is more into drops than pilling a cat- because believe me, no one in the right mind prefers pilling an angry cat. I’m just happy my lil’ gray cat has been checked out for her problem. Now we just have to give her ear drops twice a day…
Currently listening to Love Spit Love’s first album and noticed that I bought it used from the sure-to-be-missed Aron’s Records (323/469-4700). Not sure when they’re closing but Rhino Records in Westwood is having their closing sale tomorrow. Go out there and support them before their doors shut- they’re decent record stores that deserve to have lasted longer.
Boldly going where no one has gone before (Pluto) at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/01/0119_060119_pluto_mission.html , we should do more stuff like this.

PS: if you noticed on the last post I left one person out of the line up...yes, the guy who looks like a surfer is not a Horseman of the Apocalypse. He's just another surfer guy. Death just happens to play bass in his band...
Twenty days into the new year…how about that?
Finally received Sha Po Lang in the mail yesterday. In So Cal, when ordering from YesAsia.com, it would take three to four days to receive the order- here it takes longer than a week sometimes. Minor inconvenience I guess when it’s the only place I can get my HK fix. There is a place here that sells HK stuff but 99% of their stuff is bootlegged and much more expensive that the real deal at YesAsia.com. Anyway- expect a review of SPL soon- saw the trailer last night and dude, it looks like an ass kicker.
Took the lil’ gray cat to the vet yesterday for her ear problem…happy that a vet that operates out of a sleazy strip mall is actually cleaner and more professional that the one we used to go to in Northridge. Holly is happy that the vet is more into drops than pilling a cat- because believe me, no one in the right mind prefers pilling an angry cat. I’m just happy my lil’ gray cat has been checked out for her problem. Now we just have to give her ear drops twice a day…
Currently listening to Love Spit Love’s first album and noticed that I bought it used from the sure-to-be-missed Aron’s Records (323/469-4700). Not sure when they’re closing but Rhino Records in Westwood is having their closing sale tomorrow. Go out there and support them before their doors shut- they’re decent record stores that deserve to have lasted longer.
Boldly going where no one has gone before (Pluto) at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/01/0119_060119_pluto_mission.html , we should do more stuff like this.
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