Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Curse (or at least one of them...)


Did I ever tell you guys that I’m cursed?

Whenever I have saved a significant amount in the bank or come across a nice financial contribution from a relative or something like that- my car breaks down and I need to spend all that saved money fixing it…well, it happened again last night- I had to leave the car unlocked with the keys in the glove box in an Albertson’s parking lot overnight…the towers are going to pick it up in a couple of hours and take it to a nearby Pepboys and later this morning I’ll tell all of you how severe the damage is…pisses me off I tell you. My car has been a constant companion for ten years (and hopefully for longer- not ready to give this car up yet)…hope nothing bad happens to it.

PS: I plan to be buried in this car by the way if my first option to be cremated doesn’t happen…


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