Welcome to 2006! Like 2005, but with a higher number!

So today is the day when a college football team from the town I’m living in goes head to head against a college football team from a town I used to live in a vicious battle to the (hopefully) death full of carnage, brimstone, blood, guts, decapitations, rowdy soccer-fanesque hooliganism and an appearance by my lord and master, Beelzebub himself…and I think to myself…
Austin doesn’t feel like home yet…still feel like an expatriate.
People ask me how I like living here and my usual response is that at least I can find my way around and not get lost which is only half true. Yes, I don’t seem to get lost- but I don’t really explore the town, I just go to usual haunts like the record stores (which suck- I miss CD Trader and Amoeba’s- none of the stores here have sections for Goth and industrial), comic book stores (they’re okay- but I miss geeky conversations with the stores I used to frequent in the valley- I became good pals with Paul Sager, the owner of Continental Comics) and the mall (mall culture was born and will die in So Cal).
If I venture down more south and around town, I’m sure to get lost since the freeways here can get confusing and aside from the 35 and to an extent the 183, usually stop being freeways after a while. Also, streets you’re driving on tend to have different names every several miles…
Oh, well…anyway, I hope tonight for the game tonight (although I’m not a sports fan)- I hope for a final quarter appearance by Vishnu to vanquish Beelzebub…with Ganeesha grabbing the pigskin for the final touchdown…when asked by reporters later what team the elephant faced god was playing for he replies, “Dude…do you see Hindus on either team? And oh, yeah- I’m going to Disneyland!”
And of course, followed by the mass monotheistic suicides as apparently the Pagan Gods exist…
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