Monday, May 01, 2006

May day, may day...

May 01, 2006

MAY DAY. Boycotts and protests all over the country. People taking the day off work to support them. Or as the case may be in So Cal, people taking the day off work to avoid traffic. Yup…if traffic’s going to be that bad, might as well take the day off. No sense wasting fours hours in your car when all you’ve traveled is ten miles. But this is not about traffic…I’m already at work, but I will take part by not buying anything today (except breakfast)…by the way, we’re boycotting US products? What is that- movies and TV?

Anyway…it’s May already. Can you dig it? Meh…

By the way- it Asian American History Month…appreciate us dammit!

Saw the complete third season of MI-5 this weekend (also known as the third series of Spooks). This is the BBC’s answer to shows like 24, the good parts of Alias and any other terrorist-themed shows out there. It’s also a really good show. The runs for British TV seasons are much shorter than here (10 shows in the third season versus usually about 22 for any given American show). However, each hour long episode of MI-5 is incredibly intense- they cram more into that hour than some shows an entire season and even more that some movies. The old cast gets butchered and replaced- but not like the new ones are safe as well. The terrorist of the week angle gets a little old as they seem to focus too much on the current War on Terror…but it’s a small complaint.

It’s what you expect from a show like 24 or Alias…but it’s definitely on par with 24 and blows Alias out of the water. It’s also completely different from 24 or Alias as it’s the British way of doing things. These are people who’ve had to deal with the IRA after all.

Plus, you get to hear a loud ‘BASTARD!’ every now and then…

5 stars

Also saw the first Doctor Who story this weekend as Holly and I took advantage of 40% off at Borders. What, the cavemen weren’t aliens? That’s a first. The Doctor’s a cranky old man? They haven’t invented the camera zoom yet and to get a close up they had to move the camera themselves? Wow.

Still fun though…next come the Daleks!

3 stars




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