My So Called Ang

I forgot that Ang Lee also won best director last night…good for him- the first Asian person to do so. I’ve only seen two of his movies- both of which I liked. Most of his movies are more…adult, is the only word that I can use to describe. Human dramas about family, love and relationships. Not the kind of thing I rush out to see. But I love, love, love Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It’s not the best kung fu flick, but it’s an awesome tribute to them. I never thought Chow Yun Fat would look good doing kung fu- but he does the best rendition of a Jedi master EVER. People have said that this is the movie that Star Wars Episode I should have been and I wholeheartedly agree.
Plus, my mom is in it.
As for the other Ang Lee film I’ve seen- The Hulk gets bad vibes from a lot of people, and I didn’t like it when I first saw it in theaters. But when I got it on DVD and saw it for a second time, it grew on me. It’s all about frustration and anger. It’s all the things we bottle up and don’t let go. Nobody likes anybody when they’re angry. I love the explosiveness when Banner finally lets loose and battles the army. HULK SMASH!
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