Eventually, there will be a house there.
July 28, 2006
And I am still here. I am remembering leaving Northridge at 8pm and driving through the night, stopping for half hour naps, amazed at how hot Phoenix was at 4am (wow, a heat wave a year ago and another one this year), debating a detour in New Mexico to visit the VL Array, Roswell or White Sands, wanting to get through El Paso as quick as possible, the Sisyphean task of crossing Texas, the rains, lightning and traffic that welcomed me into Austin and being completely covered in cat fur.
Then it was a month’s worth of job hunting, dealing with an outsourced human resources department (how an agency could outsource their HR department is beyond me), helping out hurricane survivors and landing the job I am currently at.
So what has one year wrought?
The Interesting:
The horror at how huge Harry Knowles is. The coolness of the screenings that Aint-it-Cool News have every now and then (the Corpse Bride and Veronica Mars things were so damn cool, why are there not more?). Spending way too much money at the Record Convention. Hanging out with old friends Big Louie and Neil Gaiman. SXSW (Viva la Rock & Roll Lifestyle!). The Birthday Massacre. Echo & the Bunnymen. The Sisters of Mercy. Doctor Who. How every street in Austin eventually loops around and you are back where you started.
The I wish it could be better things:
Car Repairs. Tailgaters. The weird freeways, turnarounds and all. Bad Drivers. No Pacific Ocean. The heat. My sorrow at not having hung out with the Birdsell twins. How everyplace indoors is like a walk in freezer even when it is 110 degrees or 40 degrees outside. No good record or used DVD stores (I am spoiled by CD Trader and Amoeba). How I have to go further for stuff and not have places within walking distance or a short drive.
The Stuff I am looking forward to:
The House. And working around the house. Drawing on a regular basis. Maybe finally getting started on writing some stuff and hopefully getting good at it. Combichrist. KMFDM. The New Cure album. The new Cure Tour (please do not make me drive to Dallas or Houston just to see you guys). Absolute Sandman. The second series of the new Doctor Who. Hopefully, more Aint-it-Cool News screenings.
Overall Consensus: B+
I still miss Southern California. I enjoy Austin but still feel no real attachment to the city and the State. I am sure that is bound to change when the house comes along and I have a place I can truly call my own. Till then, who knows?