Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Stoopid Heroes

November 08, 2006

The only job I will never, never, never, never consider taking is anything dealing with sewage. It is just icky. I have tons of respect for people who do it, because no one else will.

Unless it is at Pixar. All employees there including the housekeeping staff and security can participate in the in-house Pixar University where they teach you everything from live action film making to the very animation that is produced there.

I would gladly clean up other people’s crap to learn from John Lasseter.

I wonder Studio Ghibli offers something similar?

Anyway, I have been trying to stay away from the Lost phenomenon, mostly because I lost respect from JJ Abrams for abandoning Alias, thus driving that show into mediocrity. I watch an episode here and there, keep up with it online but you would not be able to call me a fan, maybe a casual viewer. To be fair, it is not a bad show, the ongoing story of that island is damn interesting and I love the high casualty rate of the b-roll characters (like you think any of the leads would be killed off and come on, the incestuous siblings were never lead characters). I just wish they would stop relying on those damned flashback so much. That all said I really do hope the island they are stuck on does turn out to be the Village from the Prisoner.

I also am trying to stay away from the Lost inspired shows. I was bored with Invasion and Threshold, was initially interested with Surface and I will stay the hell away from Jericho (I am also staying away from the 24 wannabes like the Unit, Standoff and others of the ilk). It reminds me too much of when the X-Files became popular and all of a sudden all these crappy shows like Dark Skies came out (yes, it was so crappy to the point that they had to associate Beatlemania with alien invasions).

Then why do I waste my time with Heroes? I tried to not get caught up in the hype. For the most part I succeeded, but there was nothing else on and I tried out the second episode. I will now be cliché and say Masi Oka’s performance as Hiro was the definite standout. In that second episode, I tuned out everything about unless Hiro was in the scene.

It is nice to see a character that is so enthusiastic and not so drama laden like 99.9% of all other characters on TV nowadays.

Plus, he is slanty eyed and a fanboy like me.


I did not care for the guy from the Gilmore Girls, that cheerleader, the guy from Alias, the politician, Ali Larter or the druggie painter.

I still do not for the most part.

But they have become more interesting as I watched more of the show. And I love playing spot the superhero when the characters utilize their powers. The ongoing tale has become more captivating as well. Who is the guy with the Horn Rimmed Glasses? How did these guys get their powers? How do you save the cheerleader and then save the world? As much as I do not want to, I am there next week to learn the answers.

The show is filmed well and the demonstrations of the powers especially impressive (a personal favorite is the Politician flying away to escape his captors). At this point, my only complaint is that other than Hiro, The Gilmore Guy and possibly the Horned Rimmed Glasses Guy, all the characters are pretty disposable. Which I hope happens in the fight to save New York from blowing up. It would be nice to see that despite being super powered, no one is still safe.

I also really like that they used Tim Sale with his distinctive style as the in house artist instead of the cookie cutter art seen in most comics.

The show is still pretty young, I hope it follows the Buffy model of one contained storyline per season and not the continuous dragging method used by Lost, Alias and unfortunately, the X-Files. I am not a fan yet (especially since it will be opposite 24 in January), but I am almost there.


All that aside, I have lost all respect for Harry Knowles, also loves the show but his rant at http://www.aintitcool.com/node/30606?harry_knowles_endorses_heroes_generally_and_wants_to_save_the_cheerleader_in_particular just oozes too much perversion (is he just joking? I have the dirtiest mind of anyone I know, but the way he talks about the cheerleader is just wrong).


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