Great Caesar's Ghost!

I tired to make up a funny caption for this...but I just remembered I'm not funny...just funny looking. Good movie though.
Daylight Savings thingy this weekend- don’t forget to spring forward your clocks.
This has been a Public Service Announcement. Remember: "Kein Mitleid Für Das Mehrheit"
They’re playing the Cure’s Just Like Heaven at 7:40am on the local KROQ wannabe station. Ahhh…the best song of all time…they’re playing Royal Albert Hall tomorrow. Anyone want to fly Holly and me to England and also give us tickets?
PS: stupid April Fool’s joke at about Fat Bob suing Anton Corbjin for using his image for the new DM album cover. Whatever Mister Da Brat. I never liked your remixes anyway.
Today is also the day set aside to commemorate Caesar Chavez- a guy who has roads named after him in every city I’ve lived in since moving to the Land of the Free: Oxnard, Los Angeles and now Austin. I first learned about him in high school- as the logical heir to the non-violent philosophies of Ghandi and King. Slightly appropriate that there’s that huge issue about immigration going on currently. I’m not too well informed of the issues regarding the matter (although I should- I myself am an immigrant) but the whole situation reminds me of Prop whatever-the-number-was about eleven years ago that was also about the issue. I remember being in High School and the talks of a walk out in protest. No one I knew what the issue actually was- they just heard it affects immigrants and immediately assumed it was bad. That- and they just wanted a reason to walk out during lessons.
I wonder if it’s the same today. A story like,1,5470646.story?coll=la-headlines-california shows a teen that was given permission by her parents to participate gives hope. It also mentions that kids were inspired by documentaries of walk outs in the sixties- albeit nowadays the word gets spread around in a more high tech manner. The sixties will never be back- no matter what the hippies and the wannabe hippies say- but never underestimate the power of converging in the thousands, taking a stand and giving an opinion.
Unless you’re one of those who wanted just another excuse to take the day off.
Just remember- everyone was a or has descendants who were an immigrant to this country. Even the Native Americans’ ancestors walked over here via the Bering Strait Land Bridge.
Now…I saw Smallville last night- mostly turned in because James Marsters is back as Brainiac. Now, the scenes he was in were slightly interesting. I keep expecting him to go full blown Spike and give us the two finger salute. The show- it’s one of those really frustrating shows because there are good episodes but those are surrounded by a handful of crap. And it seems to go nowhere. No stars at the moment.
Hmmm…March is over, how about that? What was the cliché? March comes in like a lamb but comes out like it was eaten by a lion? Something like that. Seemed like this month lasted forever.
This coming weekend is one of those stooooopid weekends where everything seems to happen at the same time. Dude, why can’t you space out these things? There’s the Record Convention, the Waterloo Records sale, the Austin Fine Arts Festival, the free exhibit (this weekend only) featuring the works of Jean Claude Christo, we still have to do taxes and I just found out that an entertainment store called Hastings is also having a pretty good sale.
I think I’ll just go to sleep all weekend.